Saturday, January 9, 2010

To her.

I lay my saber down-
You've won.

You've torn apart
The only heart in me-
You've taken

And why-
I don't know,
Because I have never
Wanted to strip you
Of anything.

Yet you've stripped me of living.

You've stripped me of joy,
And hope,
And faith...

And always-
I am the one,
Who's wrists are slapped-
Begging God to make me see
Things with an honest heart;

And begging him to help
Me forgive you,
Because I don't want to be mad
At you.

Because YOU were MY friend.

And I've always thought the world of you.
And admired you.

And feared you-
Because for whatever reason,

I was the competition you sought;
A game that wouldn't play back.

So take him.
My heart-

Take them-
My friends.

Take your honors and awards;
And your writings,
That are better than mine...
And your job,
That was mine first-

And do it better than me.

Because obviously-

It is your purpose in life to show me
How I fall short
In my own life.

Show me-
What I could have done-
To amount to your
Your bravery,
Your personality...


How your love could be
and more VIBRANT
Than MINE.

And I will be glad that you could give him something I couldn't.

Show me how your letters to him-
Draw tears,
How a second in the wrinkle of time-
Can mean more than years
With me.

Because if this is truth-
If this is love that you've found

I could never be sad or angry-
Or stand in the way of it.

But question I do-
That you have nothing but spite in
Your heart;

Which tastes like honey,
But is poison all the same.

I LAY my SABER down

My jealousy...
My sorrow
My rage-

For an explanation of why
You feel like you can give what I could not.

Just words-
I beg of you;
Show me HOW
Your love is better than mine-

When you've done nothing but
Inject me-
And I've done nothing but choke it down.

Please show me-
The HONESTY in YOUR heart.
The respect you have for me...
As I have said nothing to you-
But kind words...

Even behind closed doors.

I bite my tongue in respect

So show me-
How your heart
Is more valuable than mine-

How your character is better...

You've won.

I just would like to know where I fell short-
In my place.

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